The Existence of Civil Society Organizations in Indonesia Through A Data Lens

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Indonesia have a crucial role as the bridge that connects the needs of citizens with the state. However, the survival and sustainability of CSOs are threatened due to the lack of financial support from international and national donors.
To overcome this problem, the CSO Endowment Fund Working Group was established in 2021 to work on an endowment fund policy for CSOs in Indonesia. This working group consists of INFID, KAPAL Perempuan, Perkumpulan Prakarsa, Konsil LSM, Penabulu, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), Remdec Swaprakarsa, and Indonesia for Humanity (IKa).
The Indonesian NGO Council, in collaboration with INFID, conducted a survey to determine existing conditions, institutional capacity, capacity-building models, and CSO empowerment models in Indonesia, which will be used as the basis for formulating and implementing the CSO Endowment Fund policy.
Based on the survey, what are the existing conditions and institutional capacity of CSOs in Indonesia?
Learn about the existing conditions and institutional capacity of CSOs in Indonesia by downloading the “Laporan Survei Kondisi Eksisting dan Kapasitas Kelembagaan OMS di Indonesia 2024” (available in Bahasa Indonesia) here.

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Fani Pangaribuan
Fani is a Social Media Campaigner at Green Network Asia. She graduated from Airlangga University with a bachelor's degree in Statistics.