Subscribe to Green Network Asia

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USD 250
billed yearly

Unlimited access to GNA Exclusive Content

GNA Weekly Newsletter

3 publication credits for original “Opinion” or “Community” content you create, following GNA organic editorial standards

20% off for all GNA events, capacity building training, and merchandise


USD 125
billed yearly

Unlimited access to GNA Exclusive Content

GNA Weekly Newsletter

1 publication credit for original “Opinion” or “Community” content you create, following GNA organic editorial standards


USD 50
billed yearly or
USD 10 billed monthly

Unlimited access to GNA Exclusive Content

GNA Weekly Newsletter

Terms & Conditions

This transaction is non-refundable and remains valid even if you do not utilize 100% of the subscription benefits. You can cancel at any time.

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Enable more people to benefit from GNA subscriptions while helping GNA maintain our financial capability to continue paying our writers, editors, designers, and developers fairly and professionally.

Detailed Explanation on Green Network Asia Subscription Benefits

GNA Exclusive Content particularly facilitates you with public policy & regulatory updates, easy summaries of research findings & reports, and impact stories from governments, businesses, and civil society that can benefit you personally and professionally. 

GNA Standard and Premium subscriptions will benefit you with opportunities to receive careful curation and meticulous editing provided by our editorial team for your original organic content (not a sponsored content for a particular organization or brand).

Your original content can be in the form of multimedia content, including but not limited to op-ed “Opinion” and “Community” articles, 1-minute explainer videos, 1-minute advocacy videos, advocacy posters, comics, and infographics.   

Upon curation by our editorial team, the publication of your original organic content by Green Network Asia will help promote your insights, points of view, voices, and profile to our audience of multi-stakeholder communities and international publics in the Asia Pacific and beyond.

The publication of your work on Green Network Asia’s integrated digital media platforms can be your long-term networking and digital assets that will benefit you personally and professionally.

Contact Us

If you have further questions about GNA subscriptions, please feel free to contact our team via email:  [email protected]