Sea level rise has caused devastating impacts on people and the planet. How is its current state and what can be done to address it?... Read more
The Small Island Developing States
For years, activists and country leaders have been working to establish ecocide as crimes against the environment in international law... Read more
Pacific country leaders gathered in the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting to discuss the region’s climate-resilient future.... Read more
The UNDP and GEF launched the Blue and Green Islands Integrated Programme to help SIDS face their unique environmental challenges.... Read more
The sperm whale reserve in Dominica should result in marine conservation, carbon storage, sustainable tourism, and sustainable ocean use.... Read more
As the risks of tsunamis are exacerbated by climate change, we need a resilient infrastructure, early warning systems, and education to reduce the risks of disasters.... Read more
Specific challenges against natural disasters faced by Asia-Pacific SIDS require strategic pathways for better disaster risk reduction systems.... Read more
Besides temperature rise, climate change also causes sea-level rise. For a planet that is two-third oceans, the impacts could be overwhelming.... Read more
CLF has committed $15 million for climate justice by supporting grassroots organizations in the Caribbean and US.... Read more
The United Nations Ocean Conference discussed ways to promote and strengthen sustainable ocean-based economies for SIDS.... Read more