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Green Network Asia is your trusted partner for Sustainability Communications and Social Marketing Communications worldwide.
Advocating and campaigning with Green Network Asia is a strategic, effective, and efficient way to reach, engage, and inspire your stakeholders and target audiences meaningfully.
[STRATEGIC] We ensure the messaging you intend to deliver is reflected with precision in the published content according to your needs to maximize impact.
[CREDIBLE] We avoid greenwashing by holding on to facts and details to protect our audiences, your organization, and our team from negative impacts of irresponsible content marketing; including but not limited to misinformation, disinformation, and reputational damages.
[CREATIVE] We help showcase your thought leadership and impact stories in creative ways using storytelling techniques, appealing to wider audiences and relevant to the general public.
Feedback from Our Partners
Here is the feedback we received from our partners, represented by individuals at relevant positions who worked with us. The feedback is published with approval.
Saniy Amalia Priscila
Pratisara Bumi Foundation
“The strategic communication embedded in Green Network Asia’s Content Partner has positively impacted our organization and stakeholders. We are so happy reading them. The Green Network Asia team is also very professional in presenting the articles. For example, the News covering Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) Indonesia’s Grassroot Acceleration Program left our donors with a good impression. They are very pleased with the article.”
Muhammad Mirza Harera
External Comms Coordinator
Plan International Indonesia
“Green Network’s Asia Advocacy Support & Digital Campaign for two of our programs, Water for Equity (opening access to clean water in East Nusa Tenggara) and Youth Festival for Climate and Humanity, are beneficial to our efforts. Two-way publications for the international public through Green Network Asia and the local public through Green Network Indonesia have enabled our programs to gain local and international exposure.”
Syofian Hadi
Head of Cyber Team
Student Admission, Sekolah Global Madani
“With their creativity and excellent communication skills, the Green Network Asia Team supported our needs for Digital Marketing. They accurately translated our school’s values & culture, program, and good practices into various Content Partner articles and creative comics with strategic messaging that suited our needs, which turned out can be very interesting to the public. They then helped us to reach our target audiences with targeted digital marketing. Thank you, Green Network Asia Team!”
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