Yanu Prasetyo
I'm Yanu Prasetyo. I'm a rural sociologist and activist whose passion is making the world a better place through zero poverty and zero hunger. For me, extreme poverty, inequality, and food insecurity are still critical issues in this 21st century. I seek to contribute to the collaboration and networking among scholars, policymakers, and citizens on making extreme poverty and hunger a history.
My scholarship focuses on socioeconomic vulnerability and options for changing how society organizes its (eco)system. I spent eight years working to empower the local community via appropriate technology and innovation in the Research Center for Appropriate Technology, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), where I gained valuable on-the-ground experience in community development. I worked extensively with various community groups across Indonesia and the U.S. by providing technical assistance on the community-based survey, stakeholder analysis, feasibility studies, and policy recommendations.
I studied the evolution of social exchange in rural West Java during my study at IPB University (2010-2012). In 2016, I moved to the U.S., pursuing my Ph.D. degree in Rural Sociology, Division of Applied Social Science (DASS), University of Missouri-Columbia, and graduated in May 2021.
Currently, I am interested in how permanent and green universal basic income can make all of our lives better and make us more resilient in the face of our changing world. That's also the reason I founded IndoBIGNetwork in 2017.
In my spare time, I like to go walking on the nearest trail, hiking and biking around to know better about my environment, community, and myself. You can find me on ResearchGate, Linkedin, Orcid, Google Scholar, and Facebook.