DWCP is a way to tightly integrate workers’ rights—human rights—into policy-making and development strategy in a national scope to reflect our effort in achieving sustainability.... Read more
Nazalea Kusuma
Naz is the Manager for International Editorial at Green Network Asia. She once studied Urban and Regional Planning and has lived in multiple cities across Southeast Asia. This personal experience has exposed her to diverse peoples & cultures and enriched her perspectives. Naz is an experienced and passionate writer, editor, translator, and creative designer with a decade worth of portfolio.
Pertamina has notable progress and promising potential for sustainability development, especially in environment-friendly energy.... Read more
Some local governments in China have approached Zhang to learn his methods in treating and greening their abandoned mines.... Read more
Doing business with a purpose and addressing the wicked problems in the company and beyond is not only good for people and the planet, but also for the business itself.... Read more
Calling themselves “Generation Plant", Upfield advocates for the transformation of the food system and promotes plant-based eating.... Read more
The financial sector plays a crucial role in addressing the impact of environmental risk and mobilizing global capital for the green economy to promote sustainable development.... Read more
Millions more of the Asia Pacific's poor and vulnerable are suffering from undernutrition and food shortages due to rising food prices.... Read more
Tetsu Nakamura was a physician from Fukuoka, Japan, who spent decades of his life helping people in a desert area in Eastern Afghanistan. Nakamura’s story is one of respect, commitment, and hard work. ... Read more
This year, a forest at the slopes of Mount Lawu flourishes, and the credit goes to one man, Sadiman. Today, we celebrate Sadiman and his twenty-five years of labor. ... Read more