Press Release Guidelines

Green Network Asia receives many press releases from different organizations. Our editorial team independently picks press releases that meet our editorial standards, combines them with various insightful sources that are valuable for public education, creates original evergreen soft news, and publishes them on our digital media platform.

To further clarify “our editorial standards” as mentioned above, our team decided to create general Press Release Guidelines to increase the possibility of your press release being approved for publication organically, at no cost.

Here are some guidelines that may be helpful:

What to Cover in Your Press Release

Your press release can cover any of your organization and community updates, such as organizational development, innovation as a solution to solve a particular societal and environmental problem, public policy, program, good practice, report, research finding, event, conference, and movement.

Relevant Press Release

Your press release should be newsworthy. It should cover something up-to-date, relevant, valuable, and relatable to the interest of international publics

All digital publications on Green Network Asia are meant for public education and advocacy of sustainable development and sustainability. We are not a neutral party. We choose “advocacy journalism” in our work, so the overall messaging should be within that purpose.

Technical Guidelines

  Your press release should be relevant to our special focus on sustainable development, topics of interest, and audiences

  Sources must be credible and ideally linkable. You should hyperlink all sources available online in your text to improve credibility.  

  Include relevant quotes from authoritative and important figures in your organization that are supportive of your announcement.

  Include the best high-resolution (ideally 1500 x 738) featured image that is the most representative of your announcement. You can submit a maximum of 3 images in landscape so that our designer can pick the best one. Please provide detailed information about the images, such as the source/photo credit, the caption, and the alt-text

  Identify your organization’s public relations liaison by providing the full name, job title, email address, and mobile number (WhatsApp and Telegram). 

  Indicate the press release date and inform whether it’s for immediate publication or a later date. 

Incomplete submissions that create difficulty for our editorial team may not be considered. Lastly, you are fully responsible for ensuring all information and data used in your press release are accurate, precise, specific, and up-to-date. 


Please submit your press release via email:

[email protected]

Editorial Decision

While we value your efforts to follow these guidelines, we are not obliged to approve your submission and publish it. It is our absolute discretion whether or not to approve and publish your press release organically based on our independent editorial judgment.

Thank you!

Last Update: 10 October 2024