In Piplantri Village, Rajasthan, India, every time a girl is born, the villagers will plant 111 trees to celebrate it.... Read more
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This obituary is mainly dedicated to Ghazan and Shanum, the deceased's son and daughter. May they learn the legacy of their father. ... Read more
With forest areas this large, Bhutan provides groundwater for a fifth of the earth's population, helps reduce global warming, and absorbs carbon dioxide. Bhutan even claims itself to be a zero-carbon country.... Read more
The UN says that policies that do not consult women or include them in decision-making are less effective and can even do harm.... Read more
Since mid-2019, they have decided to move on to a more environmentally friendly consumption practice.... Read more
Unlike the typical dirty landfill, Semakau Island emerges as a lush green land where various species of birds and insects gather in a healthy ecosystem.... Read more