Nanik Sriyani
My name is Nanik Sriyani. I am a Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung (UNILA), Indonesia. I got my bachelor's degree in Agronomy from IPB University in Bogor, Indonesia, and my master's and Ph.D. degrees in Plant Physiology and Weed Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the US.
I teach several courses for bachelor's and master's programs, mainly in weed and herbicide management, such as Herbicide in the Environment, Herbicide Physiology, Management of Weeds and Herbicides, Basic Plant Physiology, Crop Physiology, Basic Plant Protection, and Environmental Chemistry and Pollution.
As part of my duty in the university that I've been enjoying, I have conducted more than 80 research projects on various weed and herbicide control and management. These projects include and are not limited to a multi-year research project in developing sustainable coffee production in West Lampung in collaboration with several researchers from several universities in Japan, funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Funding for my other research projects came from various sources: The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education, the University of Lampung, Indonesia Toray Science Foundation, and various private companies such as Gunung Madu Plantation, Great Giant Food Company, Syngenta Indonesia, Monsanto Indonesia, DuPont Indonesia, Bayer Indonesia, etc.
I completed several intensive overseas training, including Integrated Pest Management in Wageningen University in the Netherland, Biological Weed Control in Queensland University Australia, and regional training related to Invasive Alien Species in SEAMEO Biotrop Bogor Indonesia.
From my various research, I published more than 70 scientific papers in national and international journals and five books, such as Weed of Southern Sumatra: Identification Book (2013), 'Pengendalian Gulma Terpadu' (Integrated Weed Management - 2017), The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds (2019) as the co-author to Professor Abdul Kadir Salam, and two chapters along with other writers in our latest book entitled Profil Keamanan dan Penggunaan Herbisida Parakuat di Indonesia (Safety Profile and Usage of Paraquat Herbicide in Indonesia-2020). I also contributed to a book that guides young teachers on writing 'Melatih Guru Muda Menyusun Karya Tulis' (Training Young Teachers to Compose Articles - 2014).
I had been appointed an independent researcher for the Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia to conduct herbicide field tests before their release in the market for about 15 years until 2017. And since that year (2017), I have been a member of the Indonesian Pesticide Committee Technical Team. The committee's primary duty is to evaluate and advise the Ministry of Agriculture before certain pesticides are granted permission to be tested in the field, released in the market, or imported and exported.
My other academic duty is the Chairperson of Weed Science Society of Indonesia (HIGI), a scientific organization of weed scientists from all over Indonesia and various other weed and herbicides: farmers, plantation people, producers/pesticides companies, government officials, etc.
Apart from agriculture, I am also passionate about education. Seeing young people grow to their full potential and motivated to achieve their dreams makes me happy and relieved that our future is secure. I am one of the founders of the Education Foundation of Global Madani that manages the School of Global Madani and Al-Madani University in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Since 2010, I have been the Director of Academic and Student Affairs of the School of Global Madani. Working with young people and young school leaders and guiding them can be challenging yet rewarding experiences for me.