Targeted Capacity Building Training for Stakeholder Engagement, Community Development, and Ecosystem Building
Creator4change Virtual Workshop for Digital Creators


The Need:
Waste4Change aimed to reach and build a community with digital creators and social media influencers to involve them in their future advocacy and public campaigns especially on responsible waste management.
Our Integrated Services to Help Partner:
Stakeholder Engagement, Community Development, Ecosystem Building, Media Relations
Our Related Business Unit:
Research, Capacity Building, Event, Advocacy & Digital Campaign
Our Approach:
We created a Virtual Workshop with targeted participants following the needs of our partner, including digital creators and social media influencers. We do all the program and project management from the strategy initiation, planning, research & development, production of deliverables, digital campaigns, evaluation, to the final report.
Increasing digital creators’ knowledge and practical skills on waste accumulation issues and responsible waste management solutions.
Amplifying Waste4Change’s thought leadership, brand awareness, and responsibilities in society.
Feedback from the Training Participants
Here is the feedback we received from the Virtual Workshop participants through Participants’ Perception Survey. The feedback is published with approval.
Wigbertha Mayela Mbuka
Digital Creator
Denpasar, Bali
“This workshop was very interesting and impressive because it was different from others, which often only focus on giving out materials. During this workshop, the participants had many opportunities to ask and share their experiences, so it was a two-way street communication. The explanations were substantial, clear, and easy to understand. Furthermore, the interactive discussions with fellow creators were very insightful and filled with many thought-provoking questions. I am glad that I could be a part of this workshop, and hopefully, there will be many more activities like this in the future.”
Sri Wardani
Digital Creator
Aceh Tamiang, Aceh
“This workshop was very helpful. I am currently developing an integrated agriculture system in my village, including teaching people how to cultivate gardens and be more conscious of the environment. I am also starting to learn how to create content, and in the middle of losing directions, this workshop gave me hope and provision to grow. Thank you, Green Network Asia and Waste4Change!”
Evi Syahida
Digital Creator
Bogor, West Java
“Joining this workshop was a different experience from other content creator workshops because it discussed specifically about environmental issues. All the speakers showed credibility, and the topic selections also matched with the needs of environmental content creators.” Thank you, Green Network Asia and Waste4Change!”
Putri Melta Sari
Digital Creator
Prabumulih, South Sumatera
“Thank you, Green Network Asia & Waste4Change for giving creators the space to learn and connect with each other. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn further about environmental education. The workshop was amazing and beyond my expectation because I gained insights and new friends. It was beneficial, not only for content creators, but also for those who wanted to gain new knowledge to create more interesting contents.”
Rahmi Carolina
Digital Creator
Pekanbaru, Riau
“This workshop was very insightful. I personally need this kind of workshops because there are currently not enough workshops for digital creators that focus on environmental issues. Thank you Green Network Asia and Waste4Change for facilitating this workshop!”
Endah Permatasari
Digital Creator
Bandung, West Java
“I’m very glad because I gained new insights and friends during this workshop. I got various new knowledge about social and environmental issues, and how to create interesting contents. Hopefully, Green Network Asia and Waste4Change can hold offline workshops or field trips in the future.”
Pardi Pay
Climate Storyteller
Green Content Creator
Bogor, West Java
“Very insightful workshop. Hopefully, there will be other activities like edutrip next time, so that we can directly witness the waste accumulation problems and practice creating creative content for sustainability advocacy.”
Gede Herry Arum Wijaya
Community Leader at Talk Sustainable
Buleleng, Bali
“Very helpful. All the speakers presented new insights and perspectives about content creations and sustainability. The workshop also gave in-depth knowledge on how to create interesting digital contents and an understanding about greenwashing.”
Feedback from Our Partner

“Through the Creator4Change Virtual Workshop, Green Network Asia helped Waste4Change discover and train digital creators within the niche of responsible waste management, tailored to our business focus. The community developed from this Virtual Workshop has become valuable networks to everyone involved, powering our future advocacy & campaigns on responsible waste management. I am so happy partnering with Green Network Asia; they have been very agile, responsive, and able to provide solutions for our needs.”
Abi Dzar Alghifari
Event & Partnership Associate, Waste4Change