Lany Harijanti

Lany Harijanti

Lany is a development worker with over 25 years of professional experience. She is currently actively involved in the GRI ASEAN Network and helps with the capacity building of small and large companies on environmentally friendly business practices, ESG, and sustainability reporting. She is passionate about learning new issues and has various experiences in developing programs such as eradicating violence against women, local economy development, public sector governance, and business and human rights due diligence. Lany is also active in organizations supporting youth involvement in the Sustainable Development Goals agenda and supporting business associations toward implementing environmentally friendly business concepts. Outside her professional life, Lany enjoys watching Korean and detective dramas, drinking coffee after visiting the coffee cooperative network at Takengon, Aceh, and shopping for leather bags from Garut and batik from Indonesia's SMEs after interacting with SDGs and environmentally friendly business concepts.