
Green Network Asia produces and organizes creative events around strategic public issues that are significant to your organization’s needs, allowing you to reach your stakeholders and target audiences.

Why work with Green Network Asia in Delivering Events for your Stakeholders and Target Audiences

Lead Generation

Green Network Asia’s events help your organization reach stakeholders and target audiences through our curated virtual or in-person events.

Thought Leadership

Green Network Asia’s events allow your organization’s representative to showcase your organization’s thought leadership, insights, skills, and real-world solutions to help solve pressing public issues. We will advise your representative on how to deliver strategically. 

Brand Awareness & Corporate Responsibility

Green Network Asia’s events allow your organization’s representative to tell stories regarding your organization’s purpose, mission, and efforts to help solve pressing public issues. The stories will help create brand awareness and showcase corporate responsibility. 

Effective & Efficient

Green Network Asia’s events are held effectively and efficiently yet strategically help deliver potential solutions according to your organization’s needs.

Select Event Partnership Options that Suit Your Needs

Public Discussion Series


Policy Dialogue

Media Gathering

Public Dissemination



Podcast Series

Fireside Chat

Tree Planting


KOL Campaign

Sponsor Green Network Asia’s Public Discussion Series

Tap into our customizable Public Discussion (webinar) planning and get involved with Green Network Asia to commemorate Special Days on strategic public issues that are significant to your organization’s needs throughout the year. 













Engage Your Stakeholders and Target Audiences with Creative Competitions that Suit Your Needs

Partner with Us

Schedule an online meeting to discuss your needs with our Business Partnership Team and elaborate on potential partnerships with Green Network Asia. 

Contact our Business Partnership Team to schedule an online meeting:

[email protected] cc [email protected]

Marlis Afridah

Marlis is the Founder & CEO of Green Network Asia. She graduated from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore with a master’s degree in Public Policy. She is an interdisciplinary Public Policy generalist researcher and Public Affairs practitioner with an integrated focus on sustainable development and sustainability.
Mobile: +62 813 234 345 73 

Lalita Fitrianti

Ata is the Manager for Business Partnership & Project Management at Green Network Asia. She graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia, with a master’s degree in Environmental Management. She is an environmental and biodiversity impact specialist, supporting Green Network Asia’s partners with project management.
Mobile: +62 813 144 115 21